About JAX-WS Consumer
Consumes SOAP Services via JAX-WS from OSGi services.
Consumes SOAP Services via JAX-WS from OSGi services using Apache CXF as JAX-WS implementation.
- Use generated JAX-WS proxy classes
- Make sure Apache CXF runs smoothly in OSGi container
- Full control over transport configuration e.g. Basic Authentication, Proxy host and authentication, SSL configuration and timeouts
- Possibility to hook into the CXF-internal message processing to customize SOAP communication behavior
- Supports WS-Addressing
- Supports ignoring unexpected elements
Usage example: https://github.com/wcm-io-caravan/caravan-jaxws/tree/develop/integration-test/helloworld-consumer
You also have to deploy this bundle which wraps Apache CXF including the necessary dependencies: