Configure Application Path

To enable the JAX-RS integration for your OSGi bundle add a new instruction Caravan-JaxRs-ApplicationPath to the OSGi manifest. The best way for this is using the maven-bundle-plugin. Example:




Register JAX-RS component

If you want to register a JAX-RS component to the JAX-RS application created for the bundle you have to define it as OSGi Service implementing the interface Example:

@Component(immediate = true)
public class HalEntryPoint implements JaxRsComponent {

  public Response index(@PathParam("tenantId") String tenantId) {
    // your code...


The application path must not to be added to the @Path annotation, it is added automatically. This example services can be reached via the URL /service/myJaxRsService/tenant123/index.

Register global JAX-RS components

If you want to register a JAX-RS component for all JAX-RS application in the OSGi instance and not only for the current bundle you can define bundle scope for the service by setting serviceFactory to true, and additionally setting the property to true. Example:

@Service(value = JaxRsComponent.class, serviceFactory = true)
@Property(name = JaxRsComponent.PROPERTY_GLOBAL_COMPONENT, value = "true")
public class StatusCodeAwareExceptionMapper implements ExceptionMapper<RuntimeException>, JaxRsComponent {

  public Response toResponse(RuntimeException ex) {
    // your code...


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Version: 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT. Last Published: 2025-01-10.