
 * #%L
 * wcm.io
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 * Copyright (C) 2014 wcm.io
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 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%
package io.wcm.caravan.io.jsontransform.element;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.osgi.annotation.versioning.ProviderType;

 * A simple bean representing a JSON stream element.
public final class JsonElement {

   * The default JSON object start element
  public static final JsonElement DEFAULT_START_OBJECT = new JsonElement(null, null, JsonElementType.START_OBJECT);

   * The default JSON array start element
  public static final JsonElement DEFAULT_START_ARRAY = new JsonElement(null, null, JsonElementType.START_ARRAY);

   * The default JSON object end element
  public static final JsonElement DEFAULT_END_OBJECT = new JsonElement(null, null, JsonElementType.END_OBJECT);

   * The default JSON array end element
  public static final JsonElement DEFAULT_END_ARRAY = new JsonElement(null, null, JsonElementType.END_ARRAY);

   * The key of the JSON stream element. If {@link JsonElementType} is END_OBJECT or END_ARRAY will be null. Otherwise can be null.
  private final String key;

   * The value of the JSON stream element. Only set for VALUE {@link JsonElementType}.
  private final Object value;

   * The JSON stream element type.
  private final JsonElementType type;

   * Creator for JSON value element with value being NULL.
   * @param key JSON element name
   * @return JSON value element with value NULL
  public static JsonElement nullValue(String key) {
    return new JsonElement(key, null, JsonElementType.VALUE);

   * Creator for JSON value element with given value and no key.
   * @param value JSON element value
   * @return JSON value element
  public static JsonElement value(Object value) {
    return new JsonElement(null, value, JsonElementType.VALUE);

   * Creator for JSON value element with given key and value
   * @param key JSON element name
   * @param value JSON element value
   * @return JSON value element
  public static JsonElement value(String key, Object value) {
    return new JsonElement(key, value, JsonElementType.VALUE);

   * Creator for JSON object start element with given key
   * @param key JSON element name
   * @return JSON object start element
  public static JsonElement startObject(String key) {
    return new JsonElement(key, null, JsonElementType.START_OBJECT);

   * Creator for JSON array start element with given key
   * @param key JSON element name
   * @return JSON array start element
  public static JsonElement startArray(String key) {
    return new JsonElement(key, null, JsonElementType.START_ARRAY);

   * @param key JSON element name
   * @param value JSON element value
   * @param type JSON element type
  public JsonElement(String key, Object value, JsonElementType type) {
    this.key = key;
    this.value = value;
    this.type = type;

   * @return the key
  public String getKey() {
    return this.key;

   * @return the value
  public Object getValue() {
    return this.value;

   * @return the type
  public JsonElementType getType() {
    return this.type;

  public String toString() {
    return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this);

  public int hashCode() {
    return HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode(this, false);

  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    return EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals(this, obj, false);

   * @return True if is a starting element
  public boolean isStartingElement() {
    return JsonElementType.START_ARRAY.equals(type) || JsonElementType.START_OBJECT.equals(type);

   * @return True if is a closing element
  public boolean isClosingElement() {
    return JsonElementType.END_ARRAY.equals(type) || JsonElementType.END_OBJECT.equals(type);
