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description() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationRefDoc
Optional description for describing the link relation in context of the parent link relation.
description() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.ResourceRefDoc
Optional description for describing the embedded resource.


embedded() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationDoc
Embedded resources that may be returned in the response of this relation.


io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations - package io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations


jsonSchema() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationDoc
Reference/URL to JSON schema.
jsonSchema() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.ResourceRefDoc
Reference/URL to JSON schema.


LinkRelationDoc - Annotation Type in io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations
Marks a string constant as link relation documentation.
LinkRelationRefDoc - Annotation Type in io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations
Describes a link relation contained in the HAL resource.
links() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationDoc
Link relations that may be returned in the response of this relation.


model() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationDoc
Reference to domain object model which should be used to detect the corresponding JSON schema.
model() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.ResourceRefDoc
Reference to domain object model which should be used to detect the corresponding JSON schema.


ResourceRefDoc - Annotation Type in io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations
Describes an embedded resource in a HAL response.


ServiceDoc - Annotation Type in io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations
Marks a ServiceInfo class that contains a service description and link relation descriptions.


value() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.LinkRelationRefDoc
Link relation name.
value() - Method in annotation type io.wcm.caravan.hal.docs.annotations.ResourceRefDoc
Embedded resource name.
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