Interface HalComparison

  • @ProviderType
    public interface HalComparison
    An OSGi service to recursively compare two asynchronously loaded trees of HAL+JSON resources.
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        rx.Observable<HalDifference> compare​(HalComparisonSource expected,
                                             HalComparisonSource actual,
                                             HalComparisonStrategy strategy)
        Recursively crawl and compare the linked and embedded HalResources from two different HAL API entry points.
        expected - a HalComparisonSource that provides the ground truth for the comparison
        actual - a HalComparisonSource that provides the resources that should be compared with the expected resources
        strategy - can be implemented to limit the crawling and comparison depth (e.g. ignore specific link relations)
        an Observable that emits one HalDifference object for each difference that was detected